Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Top of the News

Iran Rearms Hamas With Thousands of New Rockets
- The Washington Free Beacon
The Iranian regime is giving Hamas terrorists resources to produce "thousands of new rockets" in the Gaza Strip, according to a new report in Tehran’s state-controlled media.

Following a two-week-long war with Israel this month in which Hamas and other terror groups bombarded the Jewish state with missiles funded and provided by Iran, Hamas is moving to restock its weapons cache.

"With the end of the Israeli regime’s latest aggression, the Palestinian resistance has resumed the process of rocket production," Fathi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s politburo, was quoted as saying over the Memorial Day weekend by Iran’s state-run Fars News Agency. "Our factories and workshops have restarted producing thousands of rockets to stop [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu’s intransigence in Al-Quds [Jerusalem] and Tel Aviv."
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