Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Top of the News

Feds Begin Hiring $144,000-Per-Year Babysitters for 'Urgent' Job Watching Kids Illegally Sent Over U.S. Border - Victoria Taft -- PJ Media
Welcome to Joe Biden’s America, where teachers are back to in-person instruction… not for your kids, but for migrant teens who snuck over the border illegally and where the government is now attempting to hurriedly find $144,000-a-year babysitters to watch them as well. All on your dime.

The U.S. Office of Personnel Management put out the call on March 25 for heads of departments and supervisors to find current and former federal employees to be reassigned temporarily to watch kids at illegal-alien holding facilities in Dallas, San Diego, San Antonio, and Ft. Bliss.

The feds appear to be trying to keep this job announcement on the low-pro, as it’s going out only to “heads of departments and agencies” on a link that is “not searchable on USAJOBS” webpage.
In Other News

DaleyGator DaleyThought Tipping is RAAAAACIST now? And other thoughts - The Daley Gator

Biden Admin. Allows Mainstream Media Into Donna CBP Camp - IOTWreport

Better Daze: Clips from My Seething Cranium Scrapbook- American Digest

The Post-Marxist Left’s Race Problem - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Holy Week Hymns ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Rapist Turned Loose Offends Again - 357 Magnum

The left’s zero sum game and the human waste of -isms - Bookworm Room

Illegal Aliens Released by BP Commit Home Invasion Robberies, Store Burglaries in U.S. Town - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Mother Jones Whines People Keep Stealing the Language of Wokeness - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

"Vaccine" Passports? - Adrienne's Corner

Victim-Blaming D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser Dragged for Sharing 'Preventing Auto Thefts' Video While She Stays Mum on (Alleged) Murder of Mohammad Anwar (VIDEO) - American Power

CDC's Dr. Rochelle Walensky puts on the full drama queen act of 'impending doom' for us - American Thinker

Planned Parenthood Raked In $83 Million Of ‘COVID Relief’ PPP Money - The Lid

More Asians Attacked in Hate-Crimes by Multiracial White Supremacy - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 03.30.21 - The Other McCain

USA need to fear black teen girls (savages) who murdered Uber Eats driver much more than White supremacists - The Last Tradition

China Joe Takes Wrong Lesson From Previous Green Stimulus Failures - The Pirates Cove

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