Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Top of the News

Joe Biden's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad $3 Trillion Stimulus Boondoggle - Rick Moran -- PJ Media
Drunken sailors are protesting today against Joe Biden’s scathingly brilliant idea to spend $3 trillion that we don’t have on buying the 2024 election. “Not even we would think of spending that much money,” one of the drunken sailors slurred.

That’s silly, of course. Drunken sailors aren’t anymore careful with their money than Joe Biden is with ours. They’ve got nothing to complain about. And isn’t that the point?

Biden’s plan is two-fold; nearly $1 trillion to rebuild roads, bridges, interstate highways, water treatment facilities, the electrical grid, gas mains, airports (breath), and anything green the Democrats can dream up. The second part of the proposal would deal with education, child care, and teachers (unions), along with “free” childcare, “free” universal pre-K, “free” community college, and mandatory paid leave.
In Other News

Veep’s niece is quite the bigot - The Daley Gator

The FBI knew of the Boulder shooter prior to the shooting - IOTWreport

Video Daze
When you need news you can’t possibly use and you need it now:
- American Digest

‘Ted Cruz During Senate Hearing: ‘Democrats Propose Taking Guns Away from Law-Abiding Citizens’ - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Ahmad Al Issa: Boulder Shooting Suspect ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

“Are you dumb?” - 357 Magnum

Is there an upside for men hidden in the Equality Act? - Bookworm Room

Naked Girl Tells The Truth About Overflowing Immigration... - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Double Standards Are Better Because You Get Twice As Many - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Christ or Chaos at the border ... but, but, but - there's no crisis at the border. - Adrienne's Corner

Jack Phillips Said 'No', Again
This is a really excellent piece, and hits so close to the bone, it's almost too good.
- American Power

Report: White House directs all agencies to refer to 'Biden-Harris administration'
It begins. Faster than anyone anticipated.
- American Thinker

Biden’s Open Border Policies Made Cartels’ Human Trafficking Business Worth More Than Drugs - The Lid

Leftwing Propaganda Organs Begin Dying Post-Trump -- Especially CNN - AoSHQ

The Conspiracy Theory at the Heart of the Capitol ‘Insurrection’ Prosecutions - The Other McCain

In The Mailbox: 03.23.21 - The Last Tradition

Climate Cult Pretty Upset That Conservatives Continue To Say There’s A Debate On ‘Climate Change’ - The Pirates Cove

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