Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Top of the News

Texas Governor Announces All Businesses Can Reopen – End of Mask Mandate on March 10
Texas Governor Greg Abbot announced on Tuesday that the state of Texas will be fully reopening businesses as more and more Texans are being vaccinated against coronavirus.
In Other News

Your Daley Gator CCW News Update For Monday (03/01/21) - The Daley Gator

Dr. Seuss Book Prices Skyrocket Up To $5,000 After They’re Canceled For Racism - IOTWreport

Thought for the Daze: Casey on War and War Prep- American Digest

71% Believe Antifa Is ‘Domestic Terrorist Group’ & More - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Separated at Birth: Mitt Romney and...? ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Forsyth County, Georgia - They Don't Mess Around - 357 Magnum

Democrats have a schizophrenic approach to a woman’s right to privacy - Bookworm Room

Don't Play The Disarmed Population Game... - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Media Whines New Boyfriend Pays Them Little Attention - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Are you cooperating with tyranny?... - Adrienne's Corner

Neighbors Stand Guard as Gangs of 'Youth Thugs' Racially Harass and Threaten Chinese Immigrant Family - American Power

John Brennan tries to 'act less white' - American Thinker

Cuomo’s Fatal Nursing Home Order May Be Payback For Major Campaign Donations - The Lid

The Spectator: Evidence Suggests That China Has Kompromat on Joe Biden (Zhou Bai-Dan) - AoSHQ

Governor Gropo - The Other McCain

It's not a crisis at the border, or a challenge. It's a government sponsored INVASION engineered by Joe Biden - The Last Tradition

Young Aussie Climate Cultists Take Their Case To Court - The Pirates Cove

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