Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Top of the News

Second Thoughts: Minneapolis City Council Votes to Increase Police Budget
The Minneapolis City Council, which led the nationwide “defund police” movement in cutting funding for cops, voted to increase the police budget by $6.4 million after the department suffered an extraordinary loss in personnel.

The Minneapolis Police Department began 2020 with 817 officers but ended the year with 638 officers available to work. Fully 155 officers are on extended leave complaining of PTSD. The city council added $6.4 million to hire more officers after residents complained of slow response times by officers.
In Other News

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Trump lawyer Michael van der Veen famous CBS interview: Corrupt Media gets called out by hard fighting Philly street lawyer - The Last Tradition

Philly’s Demolition Plans Are A Problem For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something - The Pirates Cove

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