Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Top of the News

LIVE Georgia Election Runoff Results: Senate Majority Hangs in the Balance - PJ Media
The stakes could not be higher in today’s Georgia runoff races. Control of the U.S. Senate hangs in the balance as Republican Sen. David Purdue faces off against Democrat Jon Ossoff, and Kelly Loeffler, a Republican, goes head-to-head with Democrat Raphael Warnock. If Democrats win both seats, they will have a majority in the Senate—along with control of both the House of Representatives and the White House.

Polls are now closed in Georgia and the ballot count has begun. A recent rule change means election officials were allowed to process mail-in ballots ahead of Election Day, although they were not permitted to count the ballots until the polls closed. Because of the rule change, expect to see a huge influx of votes for the Democrats early on tonight as mail-in ballots are tabulated, while in-person votes, which skew heavily Republican, trickle in later.
In Other News

Totalitarian Leftists want “lists” of “micro-aggressors” - The Daley Gator

Trump hits 450-mile goal for 2020 border wall construction - IOTWreport

Death in Venice (California, that is)- American Digest

Proud Boys' leader speaks after release from DC jail 9,142 views •Jan 5, 2021 - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

Biden Harris: Plagiarists and Hypocrites ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Apology Not Accepted - 357 Magnum

In 2021, is there such a thing as a “margin of fraud” in elections? - Bookworm Room

The Useful Idiots.... - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Squinty & Meat Puppet Do Journalism 🙃 Call Out Democrat Hypocrisy on Election Challenges - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Trump supporters protesting the election begin demonstrating in D.C.

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Abby Johnson speaks at Freedom Plaza 1/5/21 - Adrienne's Corner

'This Is How Civil Society Disintegrates' (VIDEO) - American Power

Chuck Todd melts down on air when his bias is challenged, then makes it worse - American Thinker

TAnti-Israel J Street Urges Biden To Reverse Trump’s Israel Policies–Including Peace Plan - The Lid

Granny Rictus McBotoxImplants and Her Cadre of Communist Vandals Will Ban the Use of the Words "Mother," "Daughter," "Father," "Son" as Being Discriminatory to Those Playing Adult Gender Cosplay - AoSHQ

Georgia: Republicans Perdue, Loeffler Lead, But Democrats Still Cheating - The Other McCain

Kenosha cop who shot sex offender/probable kidnapper Jacob Blake will rightly not be charged - The Last Tradition

LA County Tells Ambulance Crews Not To Transport Those With Little Chance Of Survival - The Pirates Cove

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