Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Top of the News

Abe Lincoln Canceled in San Fran. School Because Being Murdered by a Democrat for Freeing Slaves Doesn't Show He Cared Enough About Black Lives - Jim Treacher -- PJ Media
A San Francisco district is planning to rename a school named after Abraham Lincoln because the former president did not demonstrate that ‘black lives mattered to him’…

The district’s renaming committee decided Lincoln is not worthy of keeping his name on Abraham Lincoln High School because ‘the majority of his policies proved to be detrimental to [Native Americans].’

‘Abraham Lincoln is not seen as much of a hero at all among many American Indian Nations and Native peoples of the United States, as the majority of his policies proved to be detrimental to them,’ the committee meeting notes state…
In Other News

If only the Left cared as much about small business owners as they do about violent criminals - The Daley Gator

Looks Like Sleepy Joe Only Had 52K Live Stream Viewers for His Boring Speech - IOTWreport

Strange Daze- American Digest

A SHOCKING admission from the Fulton County GA Elections Director. - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

Frank Sinatra: I'll Be Home For Christmas 🎄🎅 ️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Self-defense Is Legal In Minnesota - 357 Magnum

Are the Democrats waking the sleeping giant? - Bookworm Room

Sidney Powell on 2020 Election Lawsuits - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Pete Buttigieg Picked to Fill the Nation's Potholes - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

TRUMP HAILS CHRIST THE REDEEMER: Puts Mary Back in Christmas - Adrienne's Corner

Unthinkable? As Pandemic Rages, Colleges Cut Tenure - American Power


An angry, coughing Joe Biden wants you to know he's a 'legitimate' president, winning his election 'free and fair' - American Thinker

The Biased Media Trashed Trump’s ‘Vaccine By End Of 2020’ Promise-They Look Stupid Now - The Lid

w Canada Tourism Ad Urges People to Visit Canada to Enjoy Its... Stultifying Social Justice Warrioring - AoSHQ

N.Y. Cathedral Shooter Was Immigrant Criminal With Violent Record - The Other McCain

How Cuomo destroyed NYC: Dozens of fed-up NYPD cops leave for Long Island departments - The Last Tradition

Bummer: Parts Of Arizona Could Be Uninhabitable Within 30 Years - The Pirates Cove

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