Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Top of the News

Michigan Witness Says All Military Ballots Looked Like Xerox Copies – Had ZERO Trump Votes - The Post Millenial
A witness at the Michigan election integrity hearing alleged that all the military ballots she observed looked like "xerox copies" of each other. The witness said that none of ballots were from registered voters and all were for Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
In Other News

*VIDEO* Election Integrity Hearing: Trump Legal Team, Arizona State Legislators (11/30/20) - The Daley Gator

Customer Snaps Into Action When He Walks In on Armed Robbery at Restaurant - IOTWreport

Pictures in an Exhibition, December 2020- American Digest

Less Than Five Miles - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Roundup - Theo Spark

So what happened to the mysterious Utah monolith?️ - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Protests in Leftist France over "Police State" Law - 357 Magnum

Renewed COVID-19 lockdowns again show leftists’ blinkered vision - Bookworm Room

The moment I truly saw the swamp | Greg Kelly - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Schumer Blames Buzzy's Expiration Date and Cal's Pecker for Him Not Rising to Majority Leader - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Are some vaccines immoral? - Adrienne's Corner

When Sharks Turned Up at Their Beach, They Called in Drones - American Power

Quick Take: A couple of quick musings - redpilljew

About those 'spike anomalies' in Pennsylvania - American Thinker

Oscar-Winning Actor Jon Voight Warns of the ‘Great Danger’ of a Biden Presidency - The Lid

Obnoxiously Leftwing Former Actress Ellen Page Decides She's Not Getting Enough Attention or Work Lately, Decides She's a Transgender Now - AoSHQ

Crazy People Are Dangerous: Woman in Viral Rant Blames QAnon, Mental Illness - The Other McCain

Bill Barr stabs Trump in the back: DOJ hasn't found proof of widespread voter fraud despite mountains of evidence all over the place' - The Last Tradition

Here’s How You Can Donate To Stop Climate Crisis (scam) Or Something - The Pirates Cove

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