Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Top of the News

Bobulinski Bombshell: The Bidens are 'Compromised' and Lying About Joe's Knowledge of Hunter's Deals With China
Former Biden family business associate Tony Bobulinski appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show on the Fox News Channel Tuesday night. The former U.S. Navy nuclear technology officer explained in detail how he became involved with the Biden family and the nature of the deals they have been engaged in primarily through Hunter Biden, Joe’s son.

Bobulinski made it clear that he had no desire to appear on national television for any reason, and certainly not in a moment of controversy. He said his motivation is that the American people must be informed about the Biden family’s questionable business relationships with CEFC and Burisma, the Chinese and Ukrainian energy companies, respectively, that Hunter Biden received millions of dollars from despite having no experience in the energy field.
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During Trump's 60 Minutes sit-down, Lesley Stahl humiliated herself - American Thinker

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