Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Top of the News

Unsatisfied with only partial destruction of the Commonwealth, Ayanna Pressley urges Charlie Baker to delay reopening plan until there is no possibility of success
Rep. Ayanna Pressley spoke out Tuesday against Gov. Charlie Baker’s recently released plan to reopen the Massachusetts economy.

The first phase of the plan, which Baker detailed Monday, allows a number of businesses and activities — from construction and churches to haircuts and nonessential office work — to resume over the next few weeks, albeit under a number of stringent restrictions intended to prevent a second coronavirus wave.

But Pressley says the state is going too fast.

“[Massachusetts] isn’t ready to ‘reopen,'” she tweeted Tuesday. “Policy decisions that offer a false choice between public health & economic recovery will hurt our communities.”
In Other News

The number one thing to remember about the Russia hoax - The Daley Gator

Press conference in Ukraine names Joe Biden and John Kerry as agents of corruption - IOTWreport

Our Long National Nightmare Has Been Wiped Clean- American Digest

Revealed: Amazon Funding/Partners with Far-Left Hate Group $outhern Poverty Law Center - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Ken Osmond (Eddie Haskell), RIP - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Obama’s Pandemic Playbook – What It’s Missing - 357 Magnum

Former CIA Station Chief Exposes Potential List of Indictments for Obama Era Officials - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Careful With That Axe Eugene - Diogenes Middle Finger News

OH, DEAR LORD, REALLY? THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE GOING TO RUN WITH? Impeachment 2.0 The Schiff Hits The Fan. - The Victory Girls via Sarah Hoyt

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Apparently we have more weak and easily led people in this country than I thought possible ... and it's very disturbing. - Adrienne's Corner

The Bedwetter - Political Clown Parade

CDC backtracks: now says Covid-19 DOESN'T spread easily on contaminated surfaces. It's SCIENCE! - Drake's Place

Hubris and miscalculation: The left's bid to exploit the virus to defeat Trump - American Thinker

BREAKING: Susan Rice Letter To Self Declassified, Pg One Released (Embedded) DOJ Reviewing Rest) - The Lid

Michael Flynn Asks Appeals Course to Do Its Duty and Dismiss His Case, and Furthermore, to Remove the Lawless Lunatic Emmet Sullivan from the Case - AoSHQ

The Battle of Atillis Gym - The Other McCain

Video-Trump defends taking hydroxychloroquine, hits back at Pelosi as 'sick' - The Last Tradition

Surprise: Democrat Governors Are Getting Hit With Lots Of Lawsuits - The Pirates Cove

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