Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Top of the News

De Blasio’s social distancing tip line flooded with penis photos, Hitler memes
Mayor Bill de Blasio’s critics let him know how they really felt about him ordering New Yorkers to snitch on each other for violating social-distancing rules — by flooding his new tip line with crank complaints including “dick pics” and people flipping the bird, The Post has learned.

Photos of extended middle fingers, the mayor dropping the Staten Island groundhog and news coverage of him going to the gym have all been texted to a special tip line that de Blasio announced Saturday, according to screenshots posted on Twitter.

One user sent the message “We will fight this tyrannical overreach!” to the service and got an automated message that in part said, “Hello, and thank you for texting NYC311.”

Social-distancing complaints surge in NYC after de Blasio's call for tips “F–k you!” replied @MorganLSchmidt1, along with a meme showing Adolf Hitler and the words “TO THOSE TURNING IN YOUR NEIGHBORS AND LOCAL BUSINESSES — YOU DID THE REICH THING.”
In Other News

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Stanford and Yale health experts: Reopen America! 'Astronomical error' in models used to justify shutting down economy - Free North Carolina

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Fredo Stages Weird ‘Official’ Emergence From His Basement - Diogenes Middle Finger News

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The fight against evil is real ... and the leftists who have come out of the closet to openly attack are indeed evil. - Adrienne's Corner

Has North Korea’s Fatso Launched His Last Rocket? - Political Clown Parade

O'Rourke meltdown over immigration halt. Who will feed King BOB? - Drake's Place

A new bout of mind-boggling economic illiteracy from Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez - American Thinker

Devastating Trump Ad: Nancy Antoinette, Let Them Eat Ice Cream - The Lid

Media Currently Freaking Out That Trump Will Impose Temporary Suspension of Immigration - AoSHQ

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo Is the ‘Hero of the Fascist Lockdown Lobby’ - The Other McCain

Fake News-Reuters/Ipsos Poll: Despite most Americans support shelter-in-place that only asked Democrats who watch CNN abd MSNBC - The Last Tradition

AOC Thinks This Is The Time To Pass The Green New Deal - The Pirates Cove

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