Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Top of the News

Governor Cuomo Wants His State's Rights and His Federal Cake Too! - Megan Fox -- PJ Media
Governor Andrew Cuomo seems a bit confused. After months of begging the federal government for medical supplies he didn't stockpile for his state, beds he didn't have, and medical personnel he said he needed and then getting all of it, he's waxing poetic on Twitter about state's rights. This is Cuomo's response to Trump saying opening the nation is the president's decision and not the call of individual governors.
In Other News

Looks like Japan is doing it right - The Daley Gator

Daily Caller and Citizens United Suing For A Ton Of Records From The DOJ’s FISA Abuse Report - IOTWreport

Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are- American Digest

Trump Tweets Against ‘Ballot Harvesting,’ Which Pelosi Wants Nationwide - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

14 April 2020 White House Coronavirus Briefing - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Riots in Belgium - 357 Magnum

It's What Democrats Don't Say That Lets Us Know Who They Are - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Barky Obama Reminds Us He's Still a D**k Head - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Barack Obama Finally Endorses Joe Biden After There’s No One Else Left to Endorse -- The Bongino Report

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Quit dumping on banty-cock Fauci and other stuff ... seriously. - Adrienne's Corner

Encouragement Helps Get Us Across The Finish Line - Political Clown Parade

Renowned, Revered, Respected Global Political Scholar Mia Farrow denounces suspension of funds to WHO by President Trump.! - Drake's Place

Progressive heads exploding after Trump claims he, not governors, has the authority to re-open the country - American Thinker

Coronavirus And Selective Outrage: Justice Is No Longer Blind - The Lid

Obama's Eyes are Glassy and Red and He Looks High As F#@k as He Robotically Endorses Biden - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 04.14.20 - The Other McCain

Video-One Day After Arguing With President Trump, CBS Reporter Paula Reid Has to be Told Four Times to Leave Coronavirus Survivor Meeting - The Last Tradition

Raleigh Police Fail To Understand Federal And State Constitutions, Break Up Protest - The Pirates Cove

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