Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Top of the News

Israel Gives Palestinians Desperately Needed COVID-19 Aid, Gets Bizarre Blood Libels in Return - P. David Hornik -- PJ Media
Israel has been providing the Palestinians in both the West Bank and Gaza with crucial aid against the coronavirus—not simply out of love and charity, but because populations in such close proximity to each other have a mutual interest in tackling the problem. Israel fears the security implications of a meltdown of Palestinian society in either or both enclaves, which could result in massive rocket fire or large numbers of desperate people storming Israel’s borders.

For now, the aid and cooperation have prompted even the United Nations, known for obsessive and severely disproportionate criticism of Israel, to sing the praises of the Jewish state.

The Palestine branch of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs—not considered one of Israel’s greatest fans—reported that the Israeli and Palestinian Authority ministries of health, along with Israel’s Coordinator for Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), have been meeting regularly.

“As part of this effort,” the UN agency said, “COGAT is facilitating four trainings for Palestinian medical teams, while the Israeli [Health Ministry] donated over 1,000 testing kits and thousands of PPEs [Personal Protective Equipment] to the West Bank and Gaza.”
In Other News

Georgia lawmaker has the right idea about gun laws - The Daley Gator

Coronavirus Jailbreak: California Gov. Gavin Newsom Commutes Sentences for 14 Convicted Killers - IOTWreport

Because Overdue: Some Good News with John Krasinski- American Digest

Dr. Birx: Any Lack Of Preparation Due To ‘Significant Amount’ Of Missing Data From China - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Sarah Vaughan: Do Away With April - Evi. L Bloggerlady

STUMP Is Back - 357 Magnum

Pelosi Levying New Impeachment Allegations Against President Trump Dating Back To 1991 - 90 Miles From Tyranny

What Media Disdain for America Looks Like - Diogenes Middle Finger News

MLB season likely to start without fans in quest for most games
via The Bongino Report

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

MyPillow's Mike Lindell really stepped in How dare him mention God, the Bible, and prayer. - Adrienne's Corner

Dear Diary: I Took A Nut Shot From The President - Political Clown Parade

Are hospitals busy? #FilmYourHospital. - Drake's Place

No one can accuse Andrew Cuomo of not ‘no’-ing his mind about running - American Thinker

MSNBC Hack Rachel Maddow: ‘Nonsense’ A Navy Ship Would Reach NY Harbor This Week — The USNS Comfort Arrived Monday (Video) - The Lid

As the Press Begins Laying Off "Journalists," Suddenly "Journalists" Discover That There Is an Actual Cost to Economic Shutdown - AoSHQ

Worse Before It Gets Better: Statistical Risk and the Wuhan Coronavirus - The Other McCain

MSM Fail: Media reports Young Woman Who Died Waiting for a Coronavirus test in New Orleans-UNTRUE - The Last Tradition

ZOMG, Amazon Fired Worker For Staging Walkout Or Something - The Pirates Cove


  1. RE: MLB - less games, no fans, revenue from televised games? It almost seems "why bother". Thanks for the mention and link, Dave. Take care/Stay well!

    1. We're all good here and surprisingly still able to work. Thanks for checking in.
