Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Today's Early Edition

Instapundit: Cruel but Fair ... Indeed

One More

Here's the One Hilarious Reason Why CNN's COVID-19 'Town Hall' Was Worth Watching -Victoria Taft -- PJ Media
Do you know when you have bad breath? Can you really detect your own body odor? Is it possible to be so afflicted with "Trump Derangement Syndrome" that you don't even know you have it?

Judging by the question that was allowed on CNN's so-called "global town hall" on "facts and fears" about the coronavirus on Thursday evening, the answer is no.

And, for a moment, it was gloriously funny.

Someone creating the "lower thirds" for CNN was bamboozled by an online question for Dr. James Redfield, head

of the CDC, but Newsbusters got the joke:

When the audience was asked to send questions for Dr. James Redfield, the head of the Centers for Disease Control, one that managed to make it on air was: “Is Stage-4 TDS considered an underlying morbidity?”

"TDS," Trump Derangement Syndrome, is an affliction that occurs in some populations, usually in a subset of the political Left, that occurs when patients believe without thinking that everything President Donald Trump does is wrong.

aaaannnndddd, Who Did Not see this Coming ...

Liberals Find “Racial Justice” Angle in Pandemic

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