Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Top of the News

Climate Activists Urging Democrats to Use Coronavirus Crisis to Leverage Their Agenda - Rick Moran -- PJ Media
The problem with being a radical, fanatical activist for climate change is that nothing else matters. There are no other issues to discuss or address. The world could be ending and climate activists would claim it's not happening fast enough.

So it shouldn't surprise us that global warming fanatics want to piggyback their agenda onto the $2 trillion stimulus deal currently being negotiated.

Trump is losing patience.
In Other News

Way to go Democrats, way to go - The Daley Gator

Get America Moving Again: Why Trump Is Right to Re-Open the Economy - IOTWreport

To aid coronavirus testing, Nancy Pelosi asks all Americans to send a stool sample to her office - American Digest

Gallup Polls Shows Trump Gets 60% Approval Rating on Handling Wuhan Virus Crisis - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Chinese Coronavirus Wuhan Covid-19 Update - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Home Invaders Are Not Sheltering in Place - 357 Magnum

This Touching Story About A Mom Might Make You Ummm.. Might Make Your Eyes Water - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Cuomo the Elder Has No Desire To Be Biden's Diaper Boy. - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Pelosi’s extortion is a spark that may start a national fire
- Legal Insurrection

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Costco on "old people" morning ... didn't go well. - Adrienne's Corner

The Clusterf**k President Trump Inherited - Political Clown Parade

Connecticut is Party Zero for coronavirus spreading over states and countries. - Drake's Place

'Journey to Surrealville: What's really fueling Pelosi's shutdown of America's relief package? - American Thinker

Dr. Fauci: President Trump’s Travel Ban Is What Will Save This Country From Becoming Italy - The Lid

As Leftwing China-Colluding Media Claims That Fox News is to Blame for the Chinese Flu, Tucker Carlson Reviews The Media's Constant Downplaying of the Seriousness of the Disease - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 03.23.20 - The Other McCain

Report from India : How China destroyed evidence of the outbreak | Wuhan Coronavirus - The Last Tradition

Good News: St. Greta Of Stockholm Brought Coronavirus Back To Sweden - The Pirates Cove

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