Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Top of the News

First No Collusion, Now No Actual *Russians* in Mueller's Disastrous Russian Collusion Illusion
The "Russian collusion" case ended in an embarrassing whimper Monday. It turns out that in order to have a "Russian collusion" case, one must have "Russians" and "collusion." As we found out in the Mueller report from last year, there was no collusion with President Trump. On Monday, Mueller's prosecutors admitted they're running out of Russians, too.

Left in the wreckage, the first three years of the Trump candidacy and presidency, his reputation, the erosion of confidence in American governmental institutions, his friends and advisors imprisoned on process crimes from the corrupt investigation and Leftist governmental bots who planned it all who are not in prison.

The charges against three Russian "bot" farms and 13 individuals in Mueller's so-called Russian collusion case were dropped with prejudice on Monday. But the conclusion of the case was never in doubt.
In Other News

Statist Mayor of New Orleans declares herself empress - The Daley Gator

Hell has frozen over, and there is video evidence - IOTWreport

The Nation Endorses 'Democratic Socialist' Bernie Sanders for President- American Power

When will coronavirus peak in the US? Dire report shows why 'flattening the curve' matters - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

Dropkick Murphys: Streaming Up From Boston - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Texans Are Still Armed - 357 Magnum

Bernie Finds A New Platform - 90 Miles From Tyranny

WAPO - Okay Okay Fine, DJT Didn't Dissolve the Pandemic Response Team Like We Said After All. - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Tom Brady to join Tampa Bay Buccaneers, agrees to deal in principle: report

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

The world has lost it's mind ... granted the people who suffer from TDS don't really have a mind to lose. - Adrienne's Corner

Oh Sweetie, Save Your Outrage For Another Day - Political Clown Parade

The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Corona Virus. - Drake's Place

'Chinese virus': Trump takes a swing at China's bots over 'racism' canard -- and the left melts down - American Thinker

WATCH: Mayor de Blasio Visits Gym After Gov. Closes Gyms - The Lid

Hollywood Scrambles As It Loses Millions (Billions?) to Coronavirus, and I Just Can't Stop Laughing - AoSHQ

Ah, the Glamorous Life of a ‘Writer’! - The Other McCain

'It DID come from China!' Trump lashes out at Beijing for telling him not to call coronavirus 'Chinese virus' as he uses term for a THIRD time - and says it's China who are smearing the U.S. military as the 'source' of pandemic - The Last Tradition

The Rich Are To Blame For ‘Climate Change’ Or Something - The Pirates Cove

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