Thursday, March 19, 2020

This Morning's Message of Hope for all Americans

When Everything Everywhere is all about the Chinese Moo Shu Flu

REMEMBER YOU ARE AMERICAN. AND THE WORLD AIN’T SEEN NOTHING LIKE US YET: The Gateway Pundit Reader Offers This Message of Hope – “You Are Good – Never, Ever Forget That!”.The Gateway Pundit via Sarah Hoyt
They will fail. They have failed.

But YOU must defeat them. That means standing up to the lies. Facing the truth, calling out the panic with calm and resolute strength. Being bold in the face of the cowering simps on the TV screen and in the newspaper columns. Speaking out with authority, facing facts, and sharing those facts with others.

Fact: You’re going to die.

Fact: Just not today. And almost certainly NOT from the Wuhan Virus.

Fact: America will get through this. Because YOU are an American. YOU are brave, and strong, and kind.

You just need to be reminded of that from time to time. It’s so easy to forget, when you’re force-fed a diet of how rotten you are. From people who are rotten to the core.

They are evil. You are good. Never, EVER forget that.

Very Nicely Said!

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