Monday, March 23, 2020

Chicks Do Weird Stuff

In the time of the Chinese Corona Pox this is News to absolutely no one.

Madonna Fans Blast 'Material Girl' for Nude Coronavirus Video via Newsmax
Madonna fans are blasting the "Material Girl" after she released an Instagram video showing herself sitting naked in a bathtub filled with milky water and rose petals and declaring coronavirus as "the great equalizer."


  1. Yeah, and some people are "more equal than others" right?

    Karma is a bitch, and wouldn't it just be sweet if that critter were permanently silenced by lungs full of her own sputum, a la CORVID-19?

    And yes, I am a practitioner of "Schadenfreude."

    1. WP - I think that is properly spelled KARMA - in letters writ as large as possible................

  2. She still has fans? I never was one.
