Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Top of the News

REPORT: Attorney General Barr to Quit Over Trump's Tweeting?
- Matt Margolis -- PJ Media
Sources have told the Associated Press that Attorney General William Barr is considering leaving the Justice Department after President Donald Trump "wouldn’t heed his warning to stop tweeting about Justice Department cases."

Last week, Attorney General Bill Barr said Trump should stop tweeting about Justice Department matters because his tweets “make it impossible for me to do my job.” Trump essentially ignored Barr and claimed he has the “legal right” to intervene in criminal cases.

A resignation by Barr would be pretty damaging to Trump, who has experienced a high turnover rate for higher-level positions in his administration. Barr has been a strong advocate of Trump's law-and-order agenda and is also a Trump ally. If he and Trump can't work this issue out, the media and the Democrats would have a field day with it. Barr has reportedly been discussing his issues privately with Trump for weeks, but apparently to no avail.
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