Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Top of the News

(AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)

New Hampshire Dems Go Socialist, Reject 'Math.' Is Bloomberg on the Upswing? - Matt Margolis -- PJ Media
On Tuesday, Democrats in New Hampshire flocked to Sen. Bernie Sanders (S-USSR), a self-identified "democratic socialist" who formerly supported communist Soviet-aligned Cuba's policies for the United States. Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg (LGBT-Church of Social Justice) and Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Someplace Cold) followed close behind the socialist, with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-1/1024th of a Plan) and former Vice President Joe Biden trailing badly at less than 10 percent.
In Other News

No, not all snowflakes are stupid college students - The Daley Gator

Never Trumper Dreams Are Crushed Because They Couldn’t Read A Calendar! - IOTWreport

The Big Winner of Impeachment: Partisanship- American Power

Another Head Bounces Down the Steps at Department of Justice - Free North Carolina

Cartoon Round Up - Theo Spark

So how is Elizabeth Warren doing in New Hampshire? - Evi. L Bloggerlady

Someone I Never Heard of, and The Most Interesting Democratic Challenger Both Quit Race - 357 Magnum

Hundreds of Gun Rights Supporters Spoil Bloomberg Campaign’s Arlington, VA Gun Control Rally - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Move Over Don Lemon. Katy Tur Has Taken Over the Mantle of the AOC of the Broadcast Media - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Jussie Smollett indicted on 6 counts for allegedly lying to police about attack claims - Fox News via The Bongino Report

Quote du jour and Best of the Web - Proof Positive

Is this part of what's wrong with the democrat party? ... Wherein I proceed to make a whole bunch of people really, really angry. - Adrienne's Corner

Did The Oscars Forget Something? - Political Clown Parade

Newly-Unveiled Nevada Caucus App for DEMS. - Drake's Place

While Democrats are duking it out, Trump is quietly breaking records - American Thinker

Sen. Collins’ Democrat Opponent’s Campaign Shirts Feature A Guillotine - The Lid

New York Post: Leaked Emails Reveal That "Embittered NeverTrump Republicans Tied to Former Ohio Gov. John Kasich" Secretly Schemed to Aid Joe Biden in Iowa and New Hampshire, Because He's the Best Positioned to Help Them Get "Revenge" on Trump - AoSHQ


Mike Bloomberg in leaked 2015 clip: ‘95% of murderers fit one description, Xerox it’ - The Last Tradition

Definitely Not A Cult: St. Greta To Get Her Own BBC Hotcoldwetdry Series - The Pirates Cove


  1. Hey Dave, thanks for the mention and link. btw - also like the daily & continued use of "Flag guy defying the storm" gif. Great choice! Take care.

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