Thursday, January 23, 2020

Possibly the Best Headline of the Day

There are several this morning

The Hidden Blessings of Plagues and Impeachment
- Rabbi Michael Barclay -- PJ Media
There is a tradition within Judaism that all actions in the world can be viewed through the lens of the Torah reading of the week. Based upon that premise, each of these columns is to help us understand the politics of the world through a biblical lens.

As the impeachment trial in the Senate began this week, the House managers and Democratic Senate leadership have already publicly demonstrated their partisan willingness to remove a duly-elected President by any means they can. On Tuesday, they dragged the rules approval resolution out for 13 hours, attempting to pass 11 unique amendments to the resolution (all were defeated)…just to get the rules for impeachment set up! Despite Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's request to save time and at least bundle the proposed amendments together, Minority Leader Chuck Schumer insisted on dragging out the process and making the Senators, and the American people, participate in what the Democrats always knew was a waste of time. But in doing so, they demonstrated clearly once again that the entire process of impeachment is not about seeking justice, but a manifestation of their vitriolic hatred for the president. The more they insisted on wasting time, the more they showed to the Senate, and to America, their true intentions, goals, and beliefs: to remove President Trump in a partisan way no matter what.


Adam Schiff is Terrified About Trump Being Re-Elected in November
- The Federalist via The Bongino Report


Tulsi Gabbard Sues Hillary Clinton For Defamation
- The Victory Girls via Sarah Hoyt - Instapundit


And Like a Fart In Church ... The Babylon Bee is Everywhere
Hillary Clinton Accidentally Posts Condolences For Tulsi Gabbard's Suicide One Day Early

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