Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Top of the News

Overhaul of CNN should be first priority

Congrats AT&T. Now that a U.S. District Judge has approved its $85 billion merger deal with Time Warner, the telecom giant will be the new owner of CNN, HBO, TBS, TNT and other content providers.

Don’t hold your breath — AT&T has signaled it will take a hands-off approach to editorial content — but the first order of business should be a major overhaul over at CNN. Once a real news organization trusted to deliver honest reporting, the pioneering 24-hour news channel has long been since tainted by scandals from admissions about withholding information on Saddam Hussein’s bloody regime to its gratuitous bashing of the Trump administration, with a willingness to grasp at any straw in its Russia obsession.

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In The News - Political Clown Parade

Report: Rod Rosenstein Threatened to Subpeona Emails and Phone Records of Congressional Lawmakers and Staffers Seeking Information About the Origins of the Russia Probe - AoSHQ

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