Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Play Stupid Games ... Win Stupid Prizes

Just at the intersection of a promising law career and some very poor decisions.

Cambridge Mayor Calls Video Of Black Harvard Student’s Arrest ‘Disturbing’

Black, Butt Naked, Harvard Law Student possibly under the influence of hallucinogenic drugs. He's being arrested and is not cooperating with the interviewing officers.

Then These BLSA Clowns are more interested in protecting the guys anonymity and blame-shifting this fellows jackassery at the Cambridge Police.

Previously: Cambridge Police Acted Stupidly

Ohene was charged with indecent exposure, disorderly conduct, assault, resisting arrest, and assault and battery on an ambulance worker. Police say Ohene spat blood and spittle at a paramedic.

Harvard Black Law Students Association later released a statement condemning the treatment of Ohene, claiming that officers “lunged” at Ohene “without provocation” while a “pool of blood” remained on the pavement after Ohene was carried away from the scene in an ambulance.

The student group claimed that the university’s health services should have been dispatched to the scene instead of police, and that by contacting police the university “put this student at great risk of being killed by the police.”

“We are interested in protecting the privacy of this victim of police violence,” the student group stated. “We ask that those who know the victim’s name not share it with others, that his name not be included in internal or external conversations about this incident and that, in response to this letter, our conversation be focused on the broader issues of police violence against Black and Brown people and the following demands, and not this particularized incident, which is a symptom of a larger, systemic problem.”

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