Saturday, December 23, 2017

The Islamic Invasion: Not Judaism - Leftism

Guest post by NITZAKHON

Over a year ago I was watching a video about the relentless tide of Islamic invaders flooding into Europe in particular, and by extension (albeit unspoken) into America too, thanks to the 1965 immigration treason to change America’s demographics, e.g., How the Left Wins Elections by Transforming Nations.

Don't forget, more recently, Imperius Barackus Rex and his openly taking sides with America’s enemies, e.g., Obama’s Friends and Enemies, including the Muslim Brotherhood and its long-term plan to take down the west.

Anyway, I’m watching horrific scene after horrific scene, and wondering where the survival instinct has gone.  And up pops a woman, Barbara Spectre, who announces that the flood of Islamic immigration into Europe is necessary and good.  She also said that Jews need to be at the front of this, leading and facilitating this intentional demographic and cultural change.


My reaction was instantaneous:  I. Blew. Up.  I haven’t been that white-hot livid in a long time.  G-d bless my blood pressure.  Thankfully I was alone at the time; I was screaming at the computer “Don’t you understand this will make them hate us?”

And I was right.  Her sound-bite speech has been prominently displayed in multiple videos on anti-Semitic sites, among others Jews who are also supportive of this human tide.  This implies, if not outright states, that this invasion’s origin is derived from Jews as a function of Judaism.  This idea is sadly helped by George Soros, who approaches the level of evil of a typical James Bond megalomaniacal villain, being Jewish by birth (though I would state absolutely not by ethics).  Many of those videos, and articles too, were sent to me by people I’ve written after reading varied anti-Semitic things on their sites/blogs, and all show Jews supporting the Islamic invasion.  That support is cited as evidence that “all Jews” are evil conspiracy members wanting to replace white people with brown ones: hence, “Jews will not replace us”.  But people who believe this are people who, in general, don’t already like Jews and see – confirmation bias – what they want to see. 

But let me delve to the heart of those videos and articles, and the conclusion arrived at by those with that anti-Jew predisposition.  Given seeing these videos and reading these articles that land on the fertile soil of people who already don’t like us, let me state that the conclusion “Jews want to replace whites” is understandable; wrong, but understandable.  And let me also give credit to the few with whom I’ve been able to actually have a discussion – a notable if small subset – and observe that after the exchanges I’d like to think I made at least a little progress in implanting the idea that the true variable is not religion but rather politics.  Coincidentally, in the course of a few google searches as I wrote this, I stumbled upon this American Thinker article, That Barbara Spectre Video, which made an essential point: delving further into the true variable at work here (bolding added):

If she's a Leftist, then her work for multiculturalism won't really be done as a Jew; but as a Leftist or Left-Liberal. Most Leftist Jews are not Jews in a religious sense or in a cultural sense. And, obviously, they aren't pro-Israel either. Thus they are only Jewish by blood -- just like Chomsky. And if blood doesn't matter, as Leftists claim, then they have no right to speak for Jews, when they talk about Israel. They are contradicting their own anti-racism and their criticisms of other people's focus on race or blood. Chomsky and Norman Finkelstein are no more or less Jewish than George Bush or Mike Tyson. Most Leftist/Marxist Jews have rejected -- despite what the Nazis claim -- just about every aspect of Jewish culture, religion, and history, as well as Israel.

“IF” she’s a Leftist?  Of course she’s a Leftist.  I state this without explicit proof, but only a Leftist would be so eager to import people whose intent is to destroy the greatest civilization in the history of the world: Western Civilization (ably discussed by Bill Whittle here)… as one way, among others in process, to create the chaos out of which the great Socialist utopia could then arise.  Not for nothing is there widespread discussion of the Red-Green (i.e., Marxist-Islamic) alliance; apparently Antifa and ISIS have entered into talks, being united by their hatred (an excellent book) of the West, liberty, and capitalism.


It’s a supportable correlation that the more religious, tending towards Orthodox, a Jew is the more conservative, politically, they are as well.  Evan Sayet, author of what was to me a seminal piece in my understanding of the Left, Regurgitating the Apple: How Modern Liberals “Think”, also wrote a great piece about American Jews and politics: Why Jews Support the Democratic Party:

Put simply, the more Jewish is the person, the more they reject the policies of the Democrat Party.  This should not be the least bit surprising as Modern Liberalism – the dominant ideology of today’s Democrat Party – is the very antithesis of Judaism.

An article in Tablet, a Jewish magazine, takes issue with affiliation of American Jews with Leftist philosophies:

It may be hard to hear, but postmodernism is a threat to Western civilization…

The article goes on (bolding added):

At the same time, a new spirit entered North American campuses, in which universalism has taken on a much harsher form. The new radicalism to an astonishing degree replaces rational conversation with relentless pressure to choose sides and conform to the will of the group.

The Tablet author is certainly focused on Jews and Judaism, but he sure doesn’t sound like a one-worlder Soros-robot to me.  This criticism of postmodernism, i.e., today’s Left and its causes points out the herd-beast mentality of the Left – which I also noted in a prior essay (bolding added, link in original):

In the days when I debated in the local paper’s comment section I was one of the few regularly-posting people from the Right. One day a Leftist sneeringly replied to one of my comments “Do you realize nobody ever ‘likes’ your comments?” My reply was something to the effect of “I didn’t realize we were in a high school popularity contest.”

But that got me thinking that Leftists are herd-beasts (I started keeping track – all the good little Leftists would like-swarm each others’ comments). They move together. They think together. They studiously avoid thoughts that are not of The Collective. A former co-worker was, one day, ranting about eeeeeevil Conservative attacks on Planned Parenthood; he then commented “I don’t know anyone who is against abortion.” I raised my hand, and he sneered and dismissed me outright. That reprises the apocryphal quote “I can’t believe Nixon won. I don’t know anyone who voted for him.”

There are many notable Jews who are politically-conservative, explicitly critical of Islamic terror and most (insofar as I can find) opposed to the Islamic invasion.  Jews like:
Doubtless I will think of others after I post this.  I’ll put them in the comments.  And of the (admittedly few) Conservative-leaning Jews at my local synagogue, the discussions we’ve had indicate we are all opposed to the admission of more Arabic – read: Muslim – refugees; the same applies to Jews I know through the internet. 


So this Jew states without reservation:
  1. The flow of Islamic migrants must be stopped cold – a good start would be to eliminate the enormous (and economy-crushing) financial incentives to move
  2. Barriers must be built: walls manned with armed guards and permission to shoot at those attempting to breach that wall.  Turn back the boats and, if necessary, sink them; survivors forcibly returned to their origin country.  As a step after that, bomb the harbors from where the boats leave.  As a last resort, lethal measures against invaders must be used - buzzards and sharks have to eat too
  3. In parallel with these efforts social media must be pushed to show that the Hijra invasion is no longer welcome in Western countries
  4. Politicians (like this one) that want this flow to continue must be removed from office; peacefully if possible, but it may be necessary to break eggs to make omelets
  5. Muslims that do not openly and provably assimilate to Western culture and secular government must also be sent back, by force majeure if necessary

I acknowledge that this may require suspension of civilian law, with the risks that entails.  It may even result in deaths and civil conflict.  But without such an effort – globally! – then the next factor comes into play…


Without such admittedly-extreme measures then, sooner or later, the demographic tide will wash Western Civilization away.  Ann Coulter (bolding added):

Everyone who screwed the pooch on this one better realize fast:
All that matters is immigration...

Republicans who treat immigration as a backburner issue should be required to run on the issues they consider more important -- in California. See how your arguments fare in a state that's already been transformed by immigration. That's your new country.

How stupid do you have to be to carry on about taxes, defense spending, ISIS, abortion or the Ten Commandments while intentionally losing on the one issue that will determine the outcome of all these other issues? Too stupid to be of any real help.

And Mark Steyn (bolding added, link in original):

As I said to Tucker Carlson the other night, the demographic transformation of the western world is "the biggest story of our time", and it will indeed determine all the others.

Consider that in Europe, the demographic projections favor Islamic domination: "Eurosion": Muslim Majority in Thirty Years?  This demographic tide is the “brick on the jeweler’s scale” issue, dwarfing all other finer points of Left-Right debate.  And the Islamists know it and have a Long Game – they think and plan in terms of decades and centuries (bolding added):

In 1974, former Algerian President Houari Boumediene said in a speech at the UN:

"One day millions of men will leave the southern hemisphere to go to the northern hemisphere. And they will not go there as friends. Because they will go there to conquer it with their sons. The wombs of our women will give the victory."

But why conquer the northern hemisphere? The answer was provided by George Habash, head of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, to Italian journalist Oriana Fallaci in 1972: “Our revolution is a step toward world revolution. It is not limited to the conquest of Palestine. Let’s be honest and admit that we want to trigger a war similar to the Vietnam War. We want another Vietnam. And not only because of Palestine but also because of all the Arab states. The Palestinians are part of the Arab nation. It is therefore necessary that the entire Arab nation wage war against America and Europe. The Arab nation needs to trigger a war against the West. And it will. America and Europe should know that this is only the beginning. Progressing step by step, inch by inch. Year after year. Decade after decade. Determined, committed, patient. Such is our strategy”.

Multiple videos, like the first one I saw that caused my explosion, confirm this: Muslims in Europe openly talk about it.  The notable Mark Steyn, in America Alone: The End of the World as We Know It, points this out.  In the UK, Mohammed is the most common boy’s name.  In France, in Germany, in other European countries, multiple cities are on their way to being absolute Muslim-majority through immigration and birth rate.

And serious thought and incentives to get children of Western cultures - lots of children.  Breed like rabbits.


If we don’t stop and roll back this invasion, all other topics, e.g., abortion, taxes, etc., will be eventually be moot.  All peoples, white, blacks, and every shade in between… men and women… straights and gays… Christians, Jews, Hindus, atheists… all who oppose this invasion and cultural homicide are natural allies.  As President Reagan once noted:

The person who agrees with you 80 percent of the time is a friend and an ally - not a 20 percent traitor.

Conservative-leaning Jews are individuals and should be judged as such, as we on the Right in general consider the content of individual character.  Jews who vote Rightward, those who are more religious, are the natural allies of non-Jews who also vote that way.  OK, we men may wear a funny hat.  Some men and women dress strangely (“frum”).  We may even have odd curls on our heads or seem overly-fussy about our food selections.  The more you laugh at those things, the more you lump Jews together with the Leftists-who-happened-to-be-Jews, the more the divide-and-conquer tactics of the Left are successful.  As I observed in AMERICA STANDS ON THE EDGE OF A KNIFE (bolding & caps in original):

There are politically conservative Jews, and Catholics, and Muslims, and Hindus, and so on. Conservatism spans across from whitest-white to darkest-black. There are gay Conservatives, and lots of women Conservatives. Have bad feelings towards anyone like that? GET OVER IT. PUT THOSE FEELINGS ASIDE. The Left understands that if we group based on that 80% criteria, if we set aside our few differences to unite against them, they will lose. And so they practice divide and conquer, setting racial groups against each other, dividing the sexes, hyping intolerance of gays, splitting based on religion… they want us fractured.

It is not Jews per se that want to replace whites; there are, insofar as I can tell, three groups that do want this.  First and foremost are the Leftists, among whom are Jews who have abandoned the very principles of their faith to embrace the Left’s utopian dreams – which involves a demographic shift through Islamic (and other) immigration.  They think this shift will give them the political power to effect world Socialism.  They are ideologues which include many politicians.  And the intentional nature of this civilization-level betrayal must be exposed (link to Bat Ye’or’s book added):

Q: Do you believe in the "Eurabia" theory, as do right-wing politicians in Italy?
A: When Bat Ye'or first proposed this theory in 2002, I was skeptical, not believing in a purposeful conspiracy to replace Western civilization with Islam. Fifteen years later, and especially after witnessing the astonishing actions of Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel, I find it convincing. I can see no other way to explain the spectacular unwillingness to recognize the damage caused by unfettered immigration and blind multiculturalism.

[Addition: Words do not exist to describe the level of civilizational betrayal in these three links:

Refugees directly flown from Libya to Italy in 'Historic First'
MEPs put 'Article 7' against Poland on launch pad
UN Launches App to ‘Empower’ Migrants, Encourage Them to ‘Migrate Safely’

So despite exponential rises in robberies, assaults, rapes, murders, arsons, and increasing numbers of "no go zones" where firefighters and even police dare not go... the EU is continuing on this path, even accelerating it?  Reprising Daniel Pipes just above: This must be intentional.]

The second group are the resettlement agencies gorging on the flood of government money:

Refugee contractors receive over $2 billion in taxpayer dollars annually -- between $2,000 and $5,000 per refugee -- to create resettlement plans for hundreds of unsuspecting towns and cities. And it’s nice work if you can get it: the Ethiopian Community Development Council President, Tsehaye Teferra, makes $275,000; Linda Hartke, head of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, has a $307,000 compensation package; and Mark Hetfield, CEO of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, pulls down $358,517 per annum.

And lastly, we find run-of-the-mill useful idiots (like these women; also consider gays who are for Muslim refugees) who has been brainwashed through the Frankfurt School’s efforts.


Remember, the Koran is a 1400-year-old manual for the infiltration, conquest, and subjugation of the kaffir.  See this video, Is Islam a Manual for World Domination? Dr Bill Warner, and this one, Dr. Bill Warner - Why Are People Afraid, too.  Don’t forget that, in general, Islam is the greatest murder machine in human history.

Whether through Socialist camps killing Conservatives, or Islamic Sharia killing kuffirs, we will be dead if they win (or enslaved).  Can we afford to let our side be sundered one from another, emotions and dislikes played like fiddles, to become easier prey?  Will we be fools fighting in a burning house while our Islamo-Socialist enemies dance around our pyre, cackling at our stupidity as they celebrate our self-immolation?

To my last breath I will stand in their way and say STOP.  Will you stand with me to save the West, or will you obsess about the kippa I wear?

We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall hang separately. 
– Benjamin Franklin


  1. If judaism is incompatible with the Democratic Party then why do so many American Jews vote for the DNC candidate every time? Why do the Rabbis promote the Democrats?

    I don't disagree with what you wrote above, mind you, but as a non jew I fail to understand the mindset which is opposite what you posted? Similarly with Muslims....and also with the predominantly Catholic Latins and Central Americans.....(of which I am part)....Why do they all vote for the DNC boys and girls?

    1. Read that Evan Sayet piece again.

      I, too, don't get it; Jews have had "Tikkun Olam" - healing the world - hijacked. Empathy, always a good trait in general, has somehow become malignant.

      I suspect, in part, the atrophy of the survival instinct. I've theorized about this, and it matches not only today's American Jews but Leftists in general:

  2. This problem won't be solved until all Jews are resident in their own nation-state on the Mediterranean.  Diversity + proximity = war, and Jews have a history of corrupting and betraying their host nations until they get thrown out (over 100 expulsions so far).  It's time to end this cycle and accept the inevitable.

    1. Liberals have a tradition of corrupting their host nations.

    2. Actually, cueing off my comment just above, it won't be solved until Leftism is rooted out from the schools, governments, and mainstream churches.
