Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Top of the News

Fallout continues at Mass. State Police after another retirement amid scandal
FRAMINGHAM, Mass. - Fallout continues from an arrest report scandal involving Massachusetts State Police after the deputy superintendent announced his retirement following the abrupt retirement of Col. Richard McKeon last week.
Your Daley Gator CCW News Update For Monday (11/12/17) - The Daley Gator

Media Can’t Cover the Bob Menendez Trial Because Trump! - IOTWreport

#MAGA Seen on Twitter - American Power

David Cole: “Gentrification today, gentrification tomorrow, gentrification forever” - Five Feet of Fury

Dr Jordan Peterson Scares Far Left College Professors with Database - 90 Miles From Tyranny

Terrifying New Revelation for Trump Supporters: The Resistance Under New Management - Diogenes Middle Finger News

Slappy Kaepernick - Proof Positive

When did women become so unladylike? ... and yet expect to be treated like ladies? - Adrienne's Corner

Some Reflections On Mass Murder - Political Clown Parade

What To Do About Roy Moore and the At-Risk AL Senate Seat? - AoSHQ

In The Mailbox: 11.14.17 - The Other McCain

Bottom Feeder Gloria Allred pulls out another phony Roy Moore accuser looking to sabotage a good man - The Last Tradition

Report: Fewer Brits Will Die From Cold Due To ‘Climate Change’ - The Pirates Cove

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