Sunday, October 1, 2017

Antifa Preparing for a War

I ask that you watch this video.  And then watch it again.  And then share it with people.

“Undercover in Antifa” by Steve Crowder

Two fundamental things here.

The first is that these people are not flash-in-the-pan punks.  When you start carrying weapons, stabbing people (has happened, which represents an escalation from the shoving and punching), even bringing guns to an event… you’re preparing for a war.  You are not anticipating bad things, you are PLANNING bad things.  When you have burner phones, anonymous handles, guerilla-levels of distributed organization, you are planning VERY BAD THINGS.  Consider this article, which I would call an open invitation to psychos to "do something": Berkeley Antifa Are Targeting, Intimidating And Stalking College Republicans.

The second is the apparent, complete disinterest on the part of the enemedia.  These domestic enemies are complicit in lulling the majority of the sheeple to sleep.

If the Antifa does, indeed, “do something” on a large scale, e.g., their alleged plans for early November (the 4th?), the vast majority of people will be taken completely unaware.

A former Marine friend (not as lean, not as mean, still a Marine) has been practicing… 1” groups at 100 yards.  I have a feeling that skill set will be needed, and not in the distant future. 

G-d help us all.

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