Monday, September 25, 2017

Living in the Cradle of American Liberty

I could hardly imagine that a majority of our own New England Patriots would decide taking a Knee during our National Anthem would be a great way to show Support and Unity to each other as a team and with the league.

This episode in petty foolishness for their "Good Feels" will be forgotten soon enough. Fans forgive and forget all with each game winning play. The Pats forget too that the NFL would love to see them lose every stinking game this season. Yeah ... So Here's how Brandon Cooks describes his participation in this frigging nonsense.

“To be honest, it’s just one of those things where you want to stand with your brothers and be by your brothers and be by their side,” Cooks said after the game in the locker room. “.. A lot of people think we’re disrespecting the flag and the military, but my father was a Marine, my uncle was a Marine. Family fought in the Vietnam War. I have the utmost respect for the men and women that fight for our freedom. That’s the first statement I want to make. And frankly, I feel convicted in a sense, because I have no courage to be able to do something like that.

“So I understand the magnitude that they’re fighting across the world for our freedom. So that message we’re sending. We’re saying if you don’t respect unity, and there’s only so many ways you can do that.”

He was asked about the fact that he was booed and cheered in the same day.

“I love my neighbor. That’s what the lord said,” he said.

I have a suggestion. Next time you feel the need to make a statement of solidarity with your team mates, Take a friggin knee at the 1 yard line.

1 comment:

  1. An utter misunderstanding of scripture. See, that's what people do, they twist words so they support their own narrow agenda. Revealed is his own ignorance. And cowardice for nothing is asked of him when capitulating to the herd.
