Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Compiled by NITZAKHON


** Trump could give every dime he has and the shirt off his back too, and he’d still be criticized.

American Thinker - What Muslims Really Pray at ‘Interfaith’ Gatherings
** Remember, deception of the infidel is so ingrained in Islam they have different names for it.  Understand that a believing Muslim can look you in the eye and lie directly if, in their heart, they believe it serves to advance Islam.  Here are two videos about taquiyya and tawriya, two kinds of this deceit:

On Taquiyya:

On Tawriya:

>> I remember at my local Synagogue - Leftists, most of them - we had an "interfaith dialog".  During that time, the local Imam said "The problem in America is 'secular law'".  I.e., pro-Sharia.  I think I was about the only person that caught that; certainly, nobody - not even those few that I know are Right-leaning - would acknowledge it.

** There’s a reason I’ve started, after Pamela Geller, calling the media the enemedia.

 American Thinker - Deleting History
** Quote:
I neither hate nor love Robert E. Lee -- but if they tear his monument down today, they’ll be burning the U.S. Constitution tomorrow, triggered by the historical artifact of the three-fifths clause. Today they burn cars -- tomorrow they’ll burn people. People made into nonpersons by the simple expedient of calling them racists or fascists.
>> Precisely; like I said in AMERICA STANDS ON THE EDGE OF A KNIFE:
** Shameless self-quotation:
They already burn flags, and have for decades. Now they’ve moved on to statues and monuments. Next it will be documents; books, papers, and so on; they’re already after websites. But then, yes, it will be people – and not onesie-twosie; these fanatics want purity.

LegalInsurrection - Protesters In Dinosaur Costumes Protest Proposed Cuts to National Service Programs
** You know, you could just volunteer without a federal program…

Moonbattery - Chemomoonbattery
** Tar.  Feathers.  And that’s the kind-and-gentle answer to this.

Allen West - Here’s the progressive Left’s war strategy — and endgame
** Quote:
So this is what MUST happen if our Constitutional Republic is to survive: We must recognize the strategic endgame of the progressive socialist Left. It’s not about Democrat or Republican, but rather a dangerous and cancerous ideology. We must reject those who advocate for, and embrace, this subversion of our nation’s foundation.
>> I don’t compromise with cancer, I don’t negotiate with gangrene, nor do I find common ground with traitors.  We on the Right fight and win, or we die.

Pamela Geller - Disappearing Pamela Geller
** Is it too much to hope for that some nice Jihadi comes into google’s office and mows down a bunch of them while screaming “Allahu Akhbar!”?

** Quote:
This is how the Left destroys, or at least one of the ways. It starts by alienating and attacking people for holding certain opinions. Then it turns into hating them for those opinions. Next, it devolves into hating them because they “might” hold such opinions. Next, those who are friends or who work with anyone who might hold unapproved views find themselves hated and demonized. This is the new definition of tolerance.
>> It’s called “Othering”; it’s the first step in any genocide – convincing people that the target group is irredeemably evil, even sub-human, and thus eliminating them comes to be seen as a necessary and even good and noble thing.  Related:
** One can legitimately debate the wisdom of students wearing political shirts of any flavor.  But to call a Trump shirt a Swastika?  Again, this is “othering”: placing one group of people in the camp of absolute evil.  So that, later, you can justify their slaughter.

** Quote:
The other progressive solution was “euthanasia,” which basically involved killing off the sick, the aged, and the physically and mentally disabled. One of Sanger’s colleagues, the California progressive Paul Popenoe, called for “lethal chambers” so that large numbers of “unfit” people could be systematically lined up and killed.
>> The Progressives, and their Antifa descendants, have experience with camps and mass killings.  Direct-lineage experience.  Consider who they admire vs. castigate.

** This, if implemented, would inexorably bankrupt America.  Which is the whole point of the Cloward-Piven strategy:
Discover the Networks - Cloward-Piven Strategy 
** They really believe, with the fervor of missionaries, that a collapsed America would result in a Socialist Utopia.

** Quote:
The campus is virtually on lockdown because some frat boy put a banana peel in a tree and a couple of times in recorded history a banana peel was used in a possibly threatening way. Then said frat boy publicly prostrated himself on the ground, debased himself begging for mercy and forgiveness, while three black frat girls went totally FN over said banana peel.  Then the entire retreat was cancelled, and now it’s going to be a campus-wide orgy of self-flagellation at Ole Miss.  All because of a banana peel ???
>> Meanwhile, ISIS kids step up to behead people:
** Somehow, were the two groups to meet in a conflict, I think I know which side to bet on.  Alas.

** Verdict first, no trial afterward.  Related:
Powerline - New York Times undercuts claim that Trump obstructed justice
** It's not about actual charges, a trial, and a conviction - though the Left would be orgasming over that.  It's about creating so much furor that Trump will be tied down dealing with this rather than doing what he was elected to do; that, and so filling up the entirety of his tenure with fabricated scandals that history will always refer to it as the "scandal-ridden and controversial" Trump Presidency.  All part of the LONG GAME the Left is playing.

** Quote:
The second element the man in the video talks about is also key: the desire to poke “as many holes as I can in my own beliefs, until I’ve managed to narrow in on the beliefs that best model the world.” Long ago I used to think everyone felt like that, but it became abundantly clear to me about fifteen years ago that it wasn’t that way at all. Many or perhaps even most people ( (on left or right, I might add) cling tenaciously to what they already believe, even in the face of evidence to the contrary. That’s why a mind is a difficult thing to change. And so change is much more likely in people who already have the habit of challenging their own beliefs.
>> Thinking people have doubts; they question, they examine, they debate - whether externally or internally.  It’s the idiots that are absolutely sure about everything and refuse to consider new information.  Part of that is being so PC that one is unwilling to debate serious things.

** I will certainly not claim to have been a virgin when I got married.  And, like all teenage boys (and in my 20's), "The Pursuit" was high on the priority list.  But this makes an excellent point, and brings to mind the old adage Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?  Morality, abstinence, fidelity, etc., were - paraphrasing Sowell - developed over countless generations; we discount that distilled and evolved wisdom at our peril, and to the peril of future generations that will not be born because today's hedonistic society is only focused on The Now.

A further thought: I have already told my children, and will tell them again: they are only here because every single ancestor reproduced.  Thus, in repayment for that ultimate gift of their existence, they need to repay that by having children of their own.

** All spot-on, but missing the bigger, albeit foil-hat brigade, point: by repeatedly setting the precedent that the police will not stop the Antifa goons, they are boxing Conservatives of all strips in to having to carry weapons of their own.  That will result in injuries or even deaths, which will be just the fuel they need to push gun control legislation (which is doubtless already pre-written and ready!).  Remember, the Left has a LONG GAME and people who are paid full-time to think about how to crush America.

Personally, I’m past the point where I give anyone on the Left the benefit of the doubt.  If a Democrat tells me the sky is blue on a clear day, I’ll be out with a color chart to check it.

Chicks on the Right - PJW Takes On The Dumbest Trump Protest Yet
** First, beautiful episode of Paul Joseph Watson.  But note, in particular, this woman who says that Ben Carson is not a black person.  So let me see – isn’t that the very definition of racist, i.e., someone who thinks all people should/do behave and think in a specific way because of their skin color?  Martin Luther King, Jr., is spinning in his grave at speeds approaching the speed of light.

TakiMagBlack America, Summed Up in Four Minutes
** Quote:
Steven Moseley [the son of the man who raped and murdered Kitty Genovese] personifies why black America is its own worst enemy. Here was a white guy reaching out, trying to forgive a black man who committed unspeakable acts against his sister. And what does he get from the black man’s son? Avoidance of responsibility, blame-shifting, an expectation that the white person should forgive without the black culprit expressing remorse, the invocation of racism in order to excuse and defend inexcusable and indefensible acts, ignorant racial conspiracy theories, and finally, victimhood.
>> And which is the political party that tolerates, and even promotes, this?  Why?  Because in their hearts the Democrats are still the racists they always were.  "Brown" and "Black" people, in their eyes, need to be coddled and tolerated and so on because deep down Democrats really don't think they're capable of acting like responsible people.

In parallel, it's why the Left has such a soft spot for the Fakestinians, and believes anything they say.  Because they're such uber-intellects, how could "little brown people" fool them?

** Kill the infidels wherever and however you can.  Meanwhile, European elites ponder the endgame:

** It will not be waves of migrants; it will be a relentless stream.  This is the intentional, planned destruction of Western Civilization.

** Video.  Spot-on about the criticality of letting nasty people also have free speech.

** Yup.  And they vote, too.

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