Saturday, June 10, 2017

The Fifth Annual Paul Revere Awards

My Dear Friend, Curmudgeon and her Staff at The Political Clown Parade are sponsoring The Fifth Annual Paul Revere Awards.

Nominations for this prestigious award end this evening at midnight. Go there now and nominate your favorite blog.

The deadline for nominating your favorite small blog for the Fifth Annual Paul Revere Award is midnight Saturday, June 10.

We’ve got some amazing blogs already listed. Have we forgotten any? You be the judge.

For those of you who aren’t familiar, the Paul Revere Award is our humble attempt at paying homage to the brave and resolute men and women who are the modern-day offspring of the American Revolution’s pamphleteers. Those colonial pioneers faced violent suppression from a powerful ruling class but their simple pamphlets proved to be more powerful.

From today through midnight Saturday, June 10, we will accept nominations of bloggers who, in the view of our readers, deserve to be recognized.

Please nominate the blog or blogs you wish to see win the Fifth Annual Paul Revere Award in the comments section below. Just provide a link to the blog(s) you’re nominating and we will take it from there.

Each winner will receive a personalized award in the form of a badge which can be displayed on their website if they so choose.


  1. You're in the running Dave. Miss A nominated you this afternoon. I added your site to the list of distinguished nominees. Voting begins tomorrow (Sunday). Best of luck and thanks for the shout-out.
