Monday, June 26, 2017

Prophecy from Star Trek’s “Omega Glory”

- Guest Blogger Nitzakhon

Apologies as I am somewhat behind on events, which have moved far faster than I would have thought possible. I am well behind the assassination attempt of Republicans on a baseball field. But the thoughts here both extend back, and look forward.
First, a teaser. In the classic, “Original Series” Star Trek, there is an episode called The Omega Glory. In it, Captain Kirk is imprisoned with “Cloud William” – the leader of the Yangs, a savage American Indian-like group who are warring against the Asiatic Kohms. It is in this jail cell that Cloud William first speaks.
I’ll address what was said in that jail cell at the end.

The Left has been whispering poison into its followers’ minds. For years, for decades, Republicans have been presented as the worst of evils. Racists. Greedy and selfish. Murderers. Fascists. Bigots:
On Wednesday, a 66-year-old political activist picked up a rifle and handgun, with deliberate premeditated intent and hatred in his heart, and drove to a baseball field where Republican congressmen were preparing for the annual baseball charity game. These congressmen hailed from the party that pushes grannies over cliffs. They were men whose mission in life was to steal money from the poor and give to their rich friends. They were polluters whose chief aim was to destroy the globe they lived on. They were men who were racists, bigots, and homophobes. These men, in baseball cleats and uniforms, were the worst of the worst America has to offer, or so news reports, media, pundits, late-night show hosts, Hollywood elites, millions of Americans, and particularly their Democratic colleagues across the aisle would have you believe.”
Never mind that the history of the Left is clear; they’ve been violent for, well, a long time. But when you own the schools from Day One, when you have a monopoly (until recently) on the media input people see and hear, you control what people believe.
Consider the words of Socialist Saul Alinksy: “There can be no conversation between the organizer and his opponents. The latter must be depicted as being evil.”
Evil. Understand this. They view us as evil. Evil people who push grandma off cliffs. Evil people who starve babies, break up families, and who want to strip-mine the earth and are indifferent to the survival of every living thing. Evil people who want slavery, who want gays executed, and who want to consign women to perpetual slavery in the kitchen, bedroom, and delivery room. (To copy an internet meme, when did we become Muslims?)
Companies across the world spend countless billions to create images in minds, via radio, via TV, via the internet. The Left is doing the same round the clock. People on the Left are literally immersed in it, and it’s become what they believe.
Conclusion 1: The Left believes, firmly, that we on the Right are evil, on a level directly comparable with the worst of the worst of humanity’s history. On the flip side, they believe that they are truly righteous, good people, and that what they believe is the inexorable, predestined “arc of history”.
Poisoned Soil Yields Foul Fruit
So consider the rhetoric and images that are flowing today; e.g., Cartoon Nazi Trump Blown Up in Moby Music Video. A Democrat official wishes Congressman Scalise was dead (he says his words were taken out of context – sorry, how nuanced are “I’m glad he got shot” and “I wish he was (expletive) dead”?) A college professor said “If you see white people drowning or burning or bleeding to death, let them effing die and smile a bit when you do.”.
A physical assault is called, by the media who are – theoretically – supposed to inform, not propagandize, “Democracy in action.” And while, yes, some on our side cheered the Montana congress candidate’s attack on a media member, our side also roundly criticized the action. Not so the enemedia; here’s another example where it’s implied Congressman Steve Scalise had it coming for the crime of being conservative. And another. And another.
Leftists openly use terms like #HuntRepublicanCongressmen. Conservatives are labeled as evil. Students at school seemingly aspire to rise to the level of Brownshirts (and have been at this for quite some time!):
Following recent events at Berkeley, the editor of a student paper ran an entire series political editorials in this vein espousing the use of violence to shut down controversial speakers and ideas.”
A Conservative student at a Boston (i.e., moonbat leftie) college, upon a chance meeting with Milo Yiannopoulos, posted a facebook picture of herself with him. The picture was reposed on another board; her suitemate then commented with a picture of an emoji with a gun pointing at it. The college student ended up leaving the school mainly out of fear for her safety. Antifa people openly post about wanting violence. Actor Johnny Depp openly muses about a Presidential assassination (and don’t forget Kathy Griffin’s Trump beheading).
And, parenthetically, families are being sundered. My cousin won’t talk with me; that cousin’s mother called some poking-fun-at-Jewish-culture quips “racist”; consider this exchange. Families, the number one thing, are being cleaved.
Conclusion 2: When faced with the ultimate evil that seems to be succeeding against the “forces of light and goodness”, frustration at that cracks into open, raw calls to “do something”.

Hitler’s pogrom and subsequent genocide, like every one in history, didn’t spring fully-formed from nothing. For years there was the slow drip-drip-drip of whispers, of how Jews were evil, money-grubbing cheats, and even worse. When immersed in such poison, it cannot not diffuse in. Consider the quote below, from here, about the lead-up to the Shoah (Holocaust):
"Don't be fooled. this has not been an accidental strategy. It has a clear purpose. The purpose is not criticism of Israel nor a discussion of the issues; the purpose is to paint Israel and Zionism as the ultimate evil. These words are chosen because they have become associated in the global mindset with evil. If Israel and Zionism are the ultimate evil, then shouldn't people of good will do something to make sure that that evil is erased from the face from of the earth? Even the Nazis were convinced they were doing something good. Their minds had been prepared to such an extent that they believed that by eliminating the Jewish people, they were in fact serving the world; doing something good for the world, ridding it of a disease. So, if you think about it and history, the greatest atrocities have been preceded by the preparation of people's minds. This is what we're seeing today. This is the nature of this war."
The same principle applies to America. Some Leftists are – quite literally – saying that people on the Right are not human. Consider the latest pejorative term I’ve seen: Trumpanzees.
Even on the Left, some are starting to see this very disturbing trend (two quotes, bolding added).
I see increasing numbers of so-called liberals cheering censorship and defending violence as a response to speech. I see seemingly reasonable people wishing death on others and laughing at escalating suicide and addiction rates of the white working class. I see liberal think pieces written in opposition to expressing empathy or civility in interactions with those with whom we disagree. I see 63 million Trump voters written off as “nazis” who are okay to target with physical violence.
How easy is it for ordinary humans to commit atrocious acts? History teaches us it’s pretty damn easy when you are blinded to your own hypocrisy. When you believe you are morally superior, when you have dehumanized those you disagree with, you can justify almost anything. In a particularly vocal part of the left, justification for dehumanizing and committing violence against those on the right has already begun.
So let me take one of the quotes from above and edit it, only substituting Conservatives for Jews, and in one place Democrats for Nazis:
"Don't be fooled. this has not been an accidental strategy. It has a clear purpose. The purpose is not criticism of Conservatives nor a discussion of the issues; the purpose is to paint Conservatives as the ultimate evil. These words are chosen because they have become associated in the global mindset with evil. If Conservatives are the ultimate evil, then shouldn't people of good will do something to make sure that that evil is erased from the face from of the earth? Even the Democrats were convinced they were doing something good. Their minds had been prepared to such an extent that they believed that by eliminating Conservatives, they were in fact serving the world; doing something good for the world, ridding it of a disease. So, if you think about it and history, the greatest atrocities have been preceded by the preparation of people's minds. This is what we're seeing today. This is the nature of this war."
I would submit, for your approval, that the above altered paragraph is precisely what we are seeing in today’s Leftist rhetoric.
Conclusion 3: The Left is conceptually laying the groundwork for mass purges and genocide of those who don’t agree with them; they have been doing so deliberately, and for decades.

People on the Right are also grasping that this is no longer a difference between fellow Americans, which we are – thank G-d – free to have thanks to our Founding Fathers and the Constitution. Instead, it’s dawning on us that they want bloody confrontation:
Because these people want to kill you. They want a civil war. They proudly admit to be preparing for it.”
And not just preparing for it, individuals and groups are skirmishing for what I would argue is practice. Here is a scratch-the-surface list of attacks by the Left on people with whom they disagree. And this goes way back – recall that Obama’s “some guy in the neighborhood days” and his group openly discussing liquidating conservatives by the metric f*ck-ton (note that the video interview where he states the below excerpt has been removed because it’s “hate speech”) (bolding added):
I asked, well, what is going to happen to those people that we can’t reeducate that are diehard capitalists and the reply was that they’d have to be eliminated. And when I pursued this further they estimated that they would have to eliminate 25 million people in these reeducation centers. And when I say eliminate I mean kill – 25 million people. I want you to imagine sitting in a room with 25 people most of which have graduate degrees from Columbia and other well known educational centers and hear them figuring out the logistics for the elimination of 25 million people and they were dead serious.”
Conclusion 4: They’re openly discussing, and some are getting ready for (and, again, have been planning for some time), a final solution to the Conservative problem.

First, let me acknowledge that there is no form of human communication where something can be so clearly stated it cannot be misunderstood. However, let me try:
I do not want a civil war. I do not want to take up arms against my fellow countrymen. I have had many discussions over the years with people with whom I disagree. Usually, we’ve ended the discussion with some form of “We’ll agree to disagree,” while I concede that on occasion I’ve changed my mind on something. And that is how it should be. We discuss, debate, argue, disagree, but share our common American-ness and commitment to settling our differences in a peaceful way.
I no longer see that happening. I don’t even see how we can separate peacefully – not that I don’t want to, but remember – as frontpagemag’s David Horowitz has said – these people are missionaries. Even if we separate into two (or more) separate countries, they will metastasize into “our side”. They have a long game plan, a religious fervor for their ideology, and they absolutely will not stop, ever, until we’ve been converted or liquidated. Somehow, that sounds familiar.
When it starts, and I say when with a pain in my heart at what is about to happen to my country (and again, I don’t want this) have this firmly in your mind – because if we lose it’s concentration camps on a scale Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot could only have dreamt of. When it starts the gloves better come off.
One does not compromise with cancer, or negotiate with gangrene – you fight and win, or you die.

Let us return to that jail cell. In the cell, Cloud William speaks for the first time; Kirk is shocked and asks why he never spoke before. Cloud William’s reply, about the Kohms – short for the Communists that had won in their quest to conquer – needs to become our motto in the war-to-come:

We do not talk to Kohms; they are only for killing.

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