Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Top of the News

The Latest: Israeli minister slam's Kerry's upcoming speech
JERUSALEM (AP) - The Latest on the aftermath of the U.S. allowing an anti-settlement resolution to pass through the U.N. security council.

An Israeli minister says U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's planned policy speech Wednesday on Israeli-Palestinian peace is a "pathetic move" and "anti-democratic."

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan told Israel Army Radio that if Kerry lays out principles for a peace deal, as he is expected to do in his speech, it will limit President-elect Donald Trump's ability to set his own policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Erdan said Obama administration officials are "pro-Palestinian" and "don't understand what's happening in the Middle East."

He said the Obama administration's refusal to veto a recent U.N. Security Council resolution, which calls settlements a flagrant violation of international law, "threatens the security of Israel."

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