Monday, February 3, 2014

Shut Up and Write

What we tell you to write.
From a Whorehouse White House memo last week.

Memorandum establishing White House Task Force Protecting Students from Sexual Assault
The prevalence of rape and sexual assault at our Nation's institutions of higher education is both deeply troubling and a call to action. Studies show that about one in five women is a survivor of attempted or completed sexual violence while in college. In addition, a substantial number of men experience sexual violence during college.
Although schools have made progress in addressing rape and sexual assault, more needs to be done to ensure safe, secure environments for students of higher education.

The Globe says OkeyDokey ...
Sex Assaults rise in Boston area Campuses
BOSTON (AP) - A review of federal statistics shows that reports of sexual assaults on Boston-area college campuses have risen sharply over the past several years.

Reports of "forcible sex offenses" rose by nearly 40 percent between 2008 and 2012 across 22 of the largest campuses in the region. The total of 113 sexual assaults reported in 2012 at the colleges is the highest in a decade.

The numbers are based on a Boston Globe ( ) review of federal statistics supplied by colleges as required under the Clery Act.

Campus experts say the rise in reporting of sexual assaults suggests that colleges are improving efforts to address the problem by expanding education and outreach and by more thoroughly reporting such assaults.

Still, an estimated 88 percent of victims do not formally report sexual assaults.

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