Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Michael Dell the Hippy

FrankJ Has it Right. Punch em right in the Friggin Face. Michael Dell can go fuck himself.

You know I've already been around the world once. Ex Navy ... Dude ... You bought a very sucessful company. We were BAKBONE Software. Data Security ... Developers I've work with for years. You left us with Friggin Hippies in charge of the place. My boss was Bhanu Garage.His name is frigging Garage for crap sake. His Boss is a fellow named Prassad Kissass. Really? How did you think this would end?

I swear to you now. You will not sell a GOD DAmned Dime cup of coffee in New England. I'll personaly carve your name into 3 cobble stones and place them in the corners of our dear city so the drunks and whinoes can piss on you. This ain't New York pal and we don't forgive. Your Douchebag Name ... It's going in the Book of Bastards at Charlies in East Boston along with Kissass and Garage, damn hippies.

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