Friday, November 22, 2013

November 22nd 1963 Fifty Years Ago

There's so much coverage of the 50th Anniversary of JFK's assassination on the tube and in the blogs. I was 4 years old at the time standing in the livingroom of my Grandmothers home. We watched it happen on an old black and white TV set. I remember my parents and grandparents were crying. That's all. I wouldn't know or understand what was going on till much later.

The Navy Hymn

Some JFK Links from the Blogroll
American Digest:Persephone, the Queen of Hades and the beautiful bride of grief

IMAO:50 Years ago

Yid with Lid:When JFK Cut Taxes

BlurBrain:While Everyone Mourns John F. Kennedy, the Late Officer J.D. Tippet Gets No Respect

The Daley Gator:*VIDEOS* November 22nd, 1963 – A Date Which Will Live In Conspiracy

The Tatler:6 Reasons the Media/Left Refuse to Let the Kennedy Assassination Go

Proof Positive:The Best Portrait of JFK in the Last Fifty Years

Diogenes:From Jackie O. to Michelle O.

Cold Fury:The Mary Jo Kopechne of the autumn of 1963

Blazing Cat Fur:Fact, Democrats, and the JFK Legend

American Power:JFK Single-Bullet Theory Probed Using Latest Forensics Technology

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