Monday, November 18, 2013

Buh Bye Now

via FB Friend Dan
Pro-Gun Town in Pennsylvania Just Fired Their Anti-Gun Mayor
"Let this be a lesson to all anti-gun politicians: we’re going after your jobs."
Pete Lagiovane, a Democrat, Bloomberg anti-gun lackey has been voted out of office in Chambersburg Pennsylvania because of his stance against the second amendment. The Republican who won named Darren Brown, said his first order of business is to get Chambersburg off Bloomberg’s ‘Mayors Against Illegal Guns’ list.” Chambersburg is a borough in the South Central region of Pennsylvania, United States. It is 13 miles (21 km) miles north of Maryland and the Mason-Dixon line and 52 miles (84 km) southwest of Harrisburg in the Cumberland Valley, which is part of the Great Appalachian Valley.


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