Thursday, September 26, 2013

The Hypocrisy of The Zero Tolerance Policy

Zero Tolerance Suspended from school for the entire year for doing a perfectly legal activity IN. THE. FRONT. YARD. OF.HIS. OWN. HOME
Two seventh-grade students in Virginia Beach, Va., were handed long-term suspensions Tuesday that will last until the end of the school year for playing with an airsoft gun in one of their front yards while waiting for the school bus.

Meanwhile ... Former Teacher who rapes a 14 year old student gets out of prison after 30 days. The young girl killed herself after the incident in 2007 There's a lot of these Teacher Student affairs documented BTW.
A former Montana high school teacher due to be released Thursday after serving a 30-day prison sentence for raping a 14-year-old student is "still skating" justice six years after the assault, the victim's mother said.

and Finally ... School Director sends email to students saying It's legal to hunt down and kill children
The email, from William Dorland, director of the school's Honors College, starts by welcoming students back to campus, but then quickly veers into politics.

"This year, we learned that it is legal to hunt down and kill American children in Florida," it reads, in a reference to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was cleared of all charges in the fatal shooting of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The email went out to all students in the Honors College.

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