Thursday, August 29, 2013

Mr pResidents Syria Strategy

So K. The pResidents plan in Syria is to lob several Cruise Missiles into what Sen Ed Marky (Dipstick MA) is calling a "surgical strike". Marky's got a knack for the friggin obvious. I personally think this will probably not end well for the Odummer Administration or the American people.

What Odummer doesn't understand about terrorists is this. Make it hurt like nothing else. It needs to be horrible. You find the terrorists. Break all their stuff. Burn everything and kill everyone except one so he can tell others how terrible it is to be a terrorist. You have to make it so horribly terrible that they decide they don't want to be a terrorist anymore. Anything less than that and you just look squishy and weak. The fact is both sides of this confilt, this civil war in Syria are enemies of the United States. Hurting one side or the other slightly helps us how? Please just answer that feking question. Remember This. It has to be so bad for Assad that not a single entity would dare retaliate against our servicemen. This is your responsibility to our military.

We can't really allow some douchebag dictator to use chemical weapons against his own people. It's not right and it breaks international law. I'm pretty sure that between the genius of your scandal ridden administration and those goofball UN hacks you could think of something to compel this crapstain Assad not to use chemical weapons anymore.

Good Luck Mr. pResident.

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