Friday, February 8, 2013


So They're predicting 30+ inches in some areas overnight. Blizzard conditions after 2PM today with white out conditions later followed by ... wait for it ... THUNDERSNOW! Sporadic power outages are expected due to high winds and heavy snow. Flooding is expected along the coast through 2 high tides cycles tonight at 10PM and tomorrow at 10AM ... Lovely.

FINAL UPDATE: The Young Ones were out early Saturday morning to respective shifts at the firehouse leaving snow tranference to us oldsters. Snow stopped around 11AM. We wrangled the snowblower for about 4 hours. The tally at the secret bunker was just 21.5 inches. Boston claims almost 25 inches making it the 5th in the top 10 worst storms of all time. The Worcester Hills in North Central Mass got the worst of it with 32-34 inches. Irish was claiming A$$ deep snow but I'm pretty sure he hadn't realized he had just fallen down

UPDATE:Governor Patrick by executive order has banned all vehicle travel at 4 pm today in the Commonwealth.

UPDATE: The Massachusetts State Government is shutting down for the next 24 - 48 hours (like it does every Friday afternoon) ... You're on your own America.

UPDATE: Puxataney Phil was wrong. Don't ever give a gun to a monkey and never trust a rodent with spring.

Here's some history
Top 10 Boston Snowstorms:

1. Feb. 17-18, 2003 27.6 inches
2. Feb. 6-7, 1978 27.1 inches
3. Feb. 24-27, 1969 26.3 inches
4. March 31-April 1, 1997 25.4 inches
5. Jan. 22-23, 2005 22.5 inches
6. Jan. 20-21, 1978 21.4 inches
7. March 3-5, 1960 19.8 inches
8. Feb. 16-17, 1958 19.4 inches
9. Feb. 8-10, 1994 18.7 inches
10. Dec. 26-27, 2010 18.2 inches

Over and Out

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