Monday, August 27, 2012

Good on You Gunny

via IOTW
Gunny Ermey has been fired from Geico Insurance for unflatering remarks he's made about the current Presidential Administration.

Gunnery Sergeant Hartman:Do you think I'm cute, Private Gecko? Do you think I'm funny? Private Gecko: Sir, no, sir!
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Then wipe that disgusting grin off your face.
Private Gecko: Sir, yes, sir.
[tries to stop smiling] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Well, any F@#%ing time, sweetheart!
Private Gecko: Sir, I'm trying, sir.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Private Gecko I'm gonna give you three seconds; exactly three-F@#%ing-seconds to wipe that stupid looking grin off your face or I will gouge out your eyeballs and skull-fuck you! ONE! TWO! THREE!
Private Gecko: Sir, I can't help it, sir.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bull$&*t! Get on your knees scumbag!
[Gecko drops down to his knees] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Now choke yourself.
[Gecko wraps his own hands around his throat] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Goddamn it, with MY hand, numb-nuts!
[Gecko reaches for Hartman's hand] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Don't pull my F@#%ing hand over there! I said choke yourself; now lean forward and choke yourself!
[Gecko does so] Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Are you through grinning?
Private Gecko: [gagging] Sir, yes, sir.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bull$&*t, I can't hear you!
Private Gecko: [louder] Sir, yes, sir.
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: Bull$&*t, I STILL can't hear you! Sound off like you've got a pair!
Private Gecko: SIR, YES, SIR!
Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: That's enough! Get on your feet. Private Gecko you had best square your a$$ away and start $&*tting me Tiffany cufflinks or I will definitely f@#$ you up!
Private Gecko: Sir, yes, sir.

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