Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Turn Left ... Recalculating

Drive Through Corn Field ... Now Arriving at Destination Sand Trap on Left.
UXBRIDGE -- An Uxbridge woman told police she drove into a sand trap on a golf course because her GPS told her to.
Police say she was drunk.
Patricia Maione was held on $10,000 bail after pleading not guilty Tuesday to charges including driving with a suspended license and fourth offense drunken driving.
Authorities say the 47-year-old woman’s car got stuck in a bunker at the Whitinsville Golf Club in Northbridge on Monday. She told police her GPS told her to turn left, which she said led her to drive through a corn field and onto the golf course.
The Telegram & Gazette reports that police say they found a cup filled with alcohol in her car.
There were golfers on the course at the time, but no one was hurt.


  1. Personally, I'll take a map over GPS any day. We had roofers come out from Spokane. I gave them simple, easy to follow directions to our house. The dope called me when he was a few miles past his turn because he missed seeing the Ziggie's store (a large building supply store). Why did he miss his turn? He was looking at his GPS.

    Here were his directions to our house: Exit Hwy 41, go north exactly one mile to Horsehaven (landmark Ziggie's), turn right (east), 1/4 mile to culdesac, continue straight on gravel road. Second house. Got it? ONE turn after exiting 1-90 and he screwed it up because of his GPS.

    Oh, yeah - he didn't even have a glass of booze in the truck to blame it on.

  2. Thanks for checking in Adrienne. Real Men don't use GPS or Maps Ever. If the Highway looks like a Walmart parking lot on the drive home after work we maneuver and trailblaze the neighborhoods to get home.
