Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Someone you should know

Lieutenant Colonel Art J. Antzack USMCR ~ Retired
Colonel Art Antzack was a veteran of world War II Korea and Vietnam Eras. He served from 1941 - 1946 then reenlisted in 1947 serving from 1947 - 1972. During WWII he served with the 4th Marine Raider Battalion where he participated in the battle of Guadalcanal. He was discharged from service in May of 1946 At the rank of Sargent.

In 1947 Arthur joined the Marine Corp Reserve as Staff Sargent. His unit was recalled to active duty in August 1950 for the Korean conflict. He was assigned duties as a Drill Instructor at Parris Island and was promoted to Gunnery Sargent.

In January 1953 he was metoriously commisionioned a 2nd Lieutenantand was assigned to the 1st Marine divisionin Korea then was promoted to Captain then Major. He was later promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and assigned to to the landing force Trainng Command Pacific at Coronanado CA. He has had the privelege and honoer of serving with 2 Congessional Medal of Honor recipients Colonel Jay R Vargas and Colonel Carl Sitter.

The Colonel Retired in 1972. During his service he was presented many awardsincluding the Combat Action Ribbon a Presidential Unit Citation, A Navy Starand hid treasured enlisted Good Conduct Medal with 3 Stars.

Colonel Antzack was born in Salem Ma. His parents immigrated fro Poland to the US in 1913. He's been married for 55 years and has 3 Clildren His oldest Gary is a Marine Pilot

I shared a beer with this man the other night at the Blarney Stone. He's promised an interview some time after St. Patricks Day. I'm looking forward to it.

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