Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Why Do I Continue?

Because It's Important. I am inspired everyday by fellow bloggers and writers like Adrienne, Pissed, Lady Liberty, SondraK, The Curmudgeon, Proof, Raging Dave, Big Fur, Polifrog The Republican Mother and all americans that call themselves patriots. And for the one whom will remain nameless on this blog. Rhymes with slawkins.

A while back I had a chat with my own father last May, during a visit back east for my nephew's wedding. "Life is not the least bit fair," he had said. "Think clearly, be deliberate in your actions." "Understand the consequences." Most of all he told me to be careful. It was the same chat I had with my son before he passed.

I won't ever quit. I am Dave in PB ~ A Patriot