Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is What Catching a Break Looks Like

She's a bit worn but runs like a top. This'll do for a while

Update: Adrienne wants the details ... so she shall have them.

It's a 1995 Honda Passport, 190K miles, clean as whistle and only 500 bucks. A coworker offered it up to me when his dad gave it to him. Beats the heck out riding the bus.


  1. Color me stupid - but what year and make? It looks really clean.

    The most I've ever paid for a car is 10K which is my Hyndai Sonata. 30K mile rental. Blue book was 14K.

  2. Thanks. Wow - $500.00? Too cool! 190k on a 95 Honda is what I call 'almost broken in."

  3. It's old school too with a cassette deck in the dash
