Sunday, November 27, 2011

Sea Stories

Pattaya Beach
Landing in Bangkok we had to go through customs. "JusMang" they call it. Our group had been surrounded by armed soldiers since leaving our plane. We were instructed to leave everything on the aircraft except for a change of clothes it makes clearing customs very easy.

Outside the airport we hired a bus to take us to Pattaya Beach. The drive is about 100 miles on a very slow bus. We arrived in Pattaya Beach in early afternoon and checked into our rooms. These were tiny solidly built huts with thatched roofs. Very nice! Out on the beach we walked up and down the boardwalk trying local street food and drinks The favorite was a slice of grilled meat on a stick with a singha.

After dinner we toured the beer bars which were everywhere. The typical setup was a boxing ring surrounded by a bar on four sides with stools to sit. There would be exhibition kick boxing now and then, mostly teenagers. Girls too, I'm here to tell you there's a lot of nice girls in Pattaya Beach.

Before turning in we made arangements for breakfast to be delivered before dawn to our rooms. In the morning I got a call just as breakfast was ready. I let the waitress in as we exchanged good mornings in our own languages. She noticed the brand new Jimmy's Steak House tee I had brought to change into for the trip back to Bangkok. She had to have it. I don't know why. It might have been because of the logo from Guam or because it was American made heavy cotton. In a minute she was in under the covers inviting me in. Who am I to deny this sweet girl her Jimmy's Steak House Tee Shirt? We exchanged pleasantries for a while and she left with her brand new Jimmy's Steak House tee shirt thanking me I think. I'm like "what the heck was that"? As we mustered up for the trip back to Bangkok everyone was smiling for some reason.

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