Wednesday, September 28, 2011

L’shana Tova – Happy New Year

via My Facebook Friend Patti

From our family to yours, we’re wishing you L’shana Tova – Happy New Year. May God Write And Seal You In The Book Of Life For A Good Year

No I'm not one of GODs own chosen people. I am however, a Scot. Scots know how to do new year too. It's Hogmanay. It's about visiting neighbors, kissing the pretty girls of the house and sharing a dram of fine single malt with the lads.

I've known that Rosh Hashanah is a New Year Celebration as YID says "a ten day period book-ended by the High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur". He gives the details on the holiday.

So ... I don't care who you are. Happy New Year!

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