Saturday, August 6, 2011

Bad News this Morning

via Politico
31 U.S. troops killed in Afghan crash

I can only offer a prayer

O loving and almighty God, bless the members of our armed forces and civilians as they perform the tasks of their calling for love of their country. Protect them from all harm and danger of body and soul; sustain and comfort those in areas of conflict and those at home, especially in their hours of loneliness, anxiety and worry. Prepare the dying for death and the living for your service. We give thanks for those who have died in this service, and remember their loved ones in their time of loss and grief. Give to all an understanding of your love for all humankind so that, relying on your aid, they may promote righteousness, honor and unity. Grant unto us and all nations a speedy, just and lasting peace, to the glory of your name and the coming of your kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Amen.

    This is a tragedy that should never have happened. We need our great American heroes alive, not blown to bits in these godforsaken heathen countries by terrorists who hate our beloved country. May God comfort the grieving families.
