Friday, July 29, 2011

Welcome The Association of Miniscule to Middling Conservative Blogs


I have a matched pair of trained blogging squirells whom have been working feverishly on the new side bar blog roll ... I give you The Association of Miniscule to Middling Conservative Blogs

I should thank BigFurHat for the FurSwamp today last week We won't be using any of the old BIG Blog terms anymore.

Suggested Title: “A Rip Snortin’ Gang of Hard Livin’ Right Wing Cutthroats”

I have a link list if anyone wants it.

I have to say there is a lot of Bloggy Goodness over there on the right hand side.

Update: Added Teacheru Sorry I missed you earlier

The Famous Blogging Squirrels have applied the suggested code changes


  1. Can you fit this one in too?
    Thank you!

  2. Awesome! I have you on my blogroll as well.

  3. Good Work, friend - bfh

  4. Honored that you have granted me membership in your "rip-snortin' gang."

    Link reciprocated, natch.

  5. Quite Rightly sent me here, and I thank her.
    I am delighted and honored to be granted membership in such a fine group, thank you so much! I am adding The Right Way to my blogroll right now. :)

  6. What a great idea. Thanks for taking the initiative. I've added you to my blogroll and thank you so much for adding me. I would love to have the link list and I will try to make a separate blogroll when you have decided on the name. Love the Rip Snortin'...

  7. Imagine my surprise when I saw my insignificant little blog listed in your "Association of Miniscule to Middling Conservative Blogs." I would like to say that I am humbled and honored to be included in with such fine company as the other members. Thank you very much! Incidentally, I have naturally reciprocated by adding The Right Way to my "Recommended Reading" blogroll. Thank you again, and keep up the great work!
    Best Always,
    Thom Paine

  8. You are the finest of gentlemen. Thanks again for the conservative linky love!
