Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Dave_in_PB Sez:Not Article 88

via Ragin Dave at 4RWW's

GEN McChrystal allowed the Rolling Stone report to occur. He set in motion the events that allowed that report to be published. And he did it because Obama is a fucking idiot, and has put even more brainless fucking idiots into Afghanistan, and McChrystal can't win so long as Obama is keeping those fucking idiots in place.

Look, McChrystal knows all about OPSEC, or Operational Security for you civilians out there. For the love of Pete, he ran the SPECIAL OPERATIONS COMMAND. The man wears the "Tower of Power" on his left arm, and that's not just baubles they hand out for showing up. So how could he do something so stupid as to allow a Rolling Stone reporter access to his staff and have unedited comments given?

Answer: It wasn't a mistake. It was done on purpose. I'm willing to bet that McChrystal weighed the consequences of his actions, and he chose to let events unfold as they did. Because to follow Obama's so-called "leadership" in Afghanistan means letting more Americans die needlessly. And the only way to change course was to embarrass Obama publicly. Like with an article in a widely read international publication.

I don't know if I agree with Michael Yon about GEN McChrystal, and if I had to bet my paycheck, I would say that this was a deliberate act. You don't get to be the commander in Afghanistan by allowing stupid, easily preventable accidents such as this one. Since Obama doesn't feel the need to communicate with his military commanders, this was a pyrrhic act by McChrystal to change the course of Afghanistan.

Me too!

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